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Scientific Researches On:

Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi Mushroom)

PDF files


Fractionation and Purification of the Polysaccharides with Marked
Antitumor Activity, Especially Lentinan, from Lentinus edodes

In vitro chemopreventive effects pf plant polysaccharides

Short Communication Morphological Changes of Tumor Cells Caused by Macrophages Treated with Lignin Derivatives

Characterization and immunomodulating activities of polysaccharide from Lentinus edodes

Effects of a mushroom mycelium extract on the treatment of prostate cancer

Effects of molecular structure on antitumor activities of (1→3)-β-d-glucans from different Lentinus Edodes

Effects of urea and sodium hydroxide on the molecular weight and conformation of α-(1→3)--glucan from Lentinus edodes in aqueous solution

Encapsulation of Shiitake (Lenthinus Edodes) Flavors by Spray Drying

Hepatoprotective Effect of Extracts from Lentinus edodes Mycelia on Dimethylnitrosamine-Induced Liver Injury

Induction of immunomodulating cytokines by a new polysaccharide–peptide complex from culture mycelia of Lentinus edodes

Relationship between dendritic cells and the D-fraction-induced Th-1 dominant response in BALBc tumor-bearing mice

Synthesis of β-(1→6)-branched β-(1→3) glucohexaose and its analogues containing an α-(1→3) linked bond with antitumor activity






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