Scientific Researches On:
Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi Mushroom)
USA National Center for Biotechnology Information
Gann. 1976 Apr;67(2):191-5.
Antitumor activity of degraded products
of lentinan: its correlation with
molecular weight.
Sasaki T,
Takasuka N,
Chihara G,
Maeda YY.
Lentinan, an antitumor polysaccharide from
Lentinus edodes, was degraded to seven
fractions by treatment with formic acid.
The low molecular-weight fractions (I and
II) showed no antitumor activity against
sarcoma-180 solid-type tumor and the
absorption maximum of Congo Red did not
shift in their presence in 0.1M sodium
hydroxide. The medium molecular-weight
fraction III, which required the increase
of doses (5 or 10 mg/kg) for inhibition of
tumor growth, caused a little shift. On
the other hand, the absorption maximum of
Congo Red shifted largely by the presence
of high molecular-weight fractions (IV
approximately VII) which showed the
inhibition ratio of over 95% in a dose of
1 mg/kg. Participation of molecular weight
in the antitumor activity of
polysaccharides which contain (1 leads to
3)-beta-D-glucan main chain was discussed.
PMID: 964551 [PubMed - indexed for
Further study of the structure of
lentinan, an anti-tumor polysaccharide
from Lentinus edodes.
Sasaki T,
Takasuka N.
PMID: 178444 [PubMed - indexed for
In vivo and in vitro macrophage
activation by systemic adjuvants.
Bruley-Rosset M,
Florentin I,
Mathé G.
Six systemic adjuvants of immunity were
tested for their ability to induce
macrophage activation. Four of them:
living BCG, hydrosoluble extracts from BCG
(HIU II) and from M.smegmatis (IPM), and
lipopolysaccharide from E.coli (LPS), when
administered to normal mice render
macrophages non-specifically cytotoxic for
tumor cells in vitro. The intensity of
this phenomenon varied according to the
route and time of adjuvant administration.
In contrast, lentinan extracted from
Lentinus edodes, and levamisole which is a
synthetic chemical compound, depressed
macrophage cytotoxic potential. BCG, IPM
and LPS were shown to have a direct action
on macrophages. After in vitro exposure to
these agents, the cytotoxic potential of
normal macrophages was greatly increased.
Levamisole was unable to stimulate this
macrophage function directly in vitro. On
the other hand, such a macrophage
activation has been induced in vitro when
normal macrophages were cultivated in the
presence of MIF coming from the
supernatant of human lymphoblastoid cell
PMID: 782207 [PubMed - indexed for
Fractionation and purification of the
polysaccharides with marked antitumor
activity, especially lentinan, from
Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing. (an edible
Chihara G,
Hamuro J,
Maeda Y,
Arai Y,
Fukuoka F.
PMID: 5530561 [PubMed - indexed for
[Study on the antineoplastic activity
and analysis of active fractions of
Polyporaceae, Lentinus edodes and other
[Article in Japanese]
Chihara G.
PMID: 5816844 [PubMed - indexed for
Inhibition of mouse sarcoma 180 by
polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes (Berk.)
Chihara G,
Maeda Y,
Hamuro J,
Sasaki T,
Fukuoka F.
PMID: 5768289 [PubMed - indexed for
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