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Scientific Researches On:

Ellagic Acid (Raspberry/Pomegranate Extract)

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Antiproliferative Constituents in the Plant 8. Seeds of Rhynchosia

Chemopreventive Drug Development: Perspectives and Progress

Isothiocyanates and Freeze-Dried Strawberries as Inhibitors of Esophageal Cancer

Inhibition of Cellular transformation by berry extracts

Ellagic Acid Potentiates the Effect of Quercetin on p21waf1/cip1, p53, and
MAP-Kinases without Affecting Intracellular Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species In Vitro

Combined inhibition of PDGF and VEGF receptors by ellagic acid,
a dietary-derived phenolic compound

The Dietary Polyphenol Ellagic Acid Is A Potent Inhibitor Of Hoat1

Use of a microsome-mediated test system to assess efficacy and
mechanisms of cancer chemopreventive agents

Inhibition of Benzo(a)pyrene and Benzo(a)pyrene-frans-7,8-diol Metabolism and DMA Binding in Mouse Lung Expiants by Ellagic Acid1

Induction of rat hepatic and intestinal UDP-glucuronosyltransferases by
naturally occurring dietary anticarcinogens

Regulation of rat glutamate-cysteine ligase ( y-glutamylcysteine synthetase) subunits by chemopreventive agents and in aflotoxin B1- induced preneoplasia

Inhibition of Transformation in Cultured Rat Trachéal Epithelial Cells by
Potential Chemopreventive Agents

Inhibition of 3-Methylcholanthrene-induced Skin Tumorigenicity in BALB/c Miceby Chronic Oral Feeding of Trace Amounts of Ellagic Acid in Drinking Water1

Organ specific, protocol dependent modulation of 7, 12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene carcinogenesis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by dietary ellagic acid

Low Concentrations of Quercetin and Ellagic Acid Synergistically Influence
Proliferation, Cytotoxicity and Apoptosis in MOLT-4 HumanLeukemia Cells

Inhibition of Tumor Promoter-induced Ornithine Decarboxylase Activity by Tannic Acid and Other Polyphenols in Mouse Epidermis in Vivo

Antioxidant Regulation of Protein Kinase C in Cancer Prevention

Chemoprevention of Colon Carcinogenesis by Dietary Administration of Piroxicam, a-Difluoromethylornithine, 16a-Fluoro-5-androsten-17-one, and Ellagic Acid Individually and in Combination

Chemoprevention of Esophageal Tumorigenesis by Dietary Administration of Lyophilized Black Raspberries

Induction Of Acute Cholecystitis By Activation Of Factor

Experimental hypercalcaemia and whole blood clotting

Dietary Berries and Ellagic Acid Prevent Oxidative DNA
Damage and Modulate Expression of DNA Repair Genes






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