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Scientific Researches On:

Coriolus Versicolor (Yunzhi Mushroom)

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Stimulation of interferon-gamma-induced human myelogenous leukemic cell differentiation by high molecular weight PSK subfraction.

Kim F, Sakagami H, Tanuma S, Konno K.

First Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan.

PSK, a protein-bound polysaccharide extracted from the mycelia of Coriolus versicolor (Fr.) Quel, stimulated tumor necrosis factor-induced cytotoxicity against mouse L-929 fibroblast. PSK also stimulated interferon-gamma-induced differentiation of human myelogenous leukemic U-937 and THP-1 cells. The differentiated cells had higher proportions of cells that expressed NBT-reducing activity and alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase activity. Among four PSK subfractions, the highest molecular weight fraction (MW greater than 200 kD) had the most potent stimulating activity. This is the first report regarding direct PSK modulation of cytokine action.

Publication Types:

PMID: 2110432 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Effect of PSK, a protein-bound polysaccharide from Coriolus versicolor, on drug-metabolizing enzymes in sarcoma-180 bearing and normal mice.

Fujita H, Ogawa K, Ikuzawa M, Muto S, Matsuki M, Nakajima S, Shimamura M, Togawa M, Yoshikumi C, Kawai Y.

Department of Bacteriology, School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan.

The effects of PSK and Propionibacterium acnes (anaerobic Corynebacterium) on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes were studied using sarcoma-180 bearing and non-tumor bearing mice. PSK had no influence on aminopyrine N-demethylase and aniline hydroxylase activities, cytochrome P-450 concentration in hepatic microsomes, and the reductase activity of cytochrome c in normal mice. The content of cytochrome P-450 was not significantly reduced in S-180 bearing mice. On the other hand, P. acnes administration significantly decreased the amount of cytochromes P-450 and b5 and aminopyrine N-demethylase activity. When FT-207 (Tegafur) was administered orally to S-180 bearing mice combined with the immunoadjuvants, only P. acnes significantly reduced the 5-FU levels in the serum and some organs.

PMID: 3139576 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Restoration of immune responsiveness by a biological response modifier, PSK, in aged mice bearing syngeneic transplantable tumor.

Matsunaga K, Morita I, Oguchi Y, Fujii T, Yoshikumi C, Nomoto K.

Biomedical Research Laboratories, Kureha Chemical Industries Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.

PSK (Krestin) is a protein-bound polysaccharide isolated from cultured mycelia of Coriolus versicolor in basidiomycetes. PSK is a biological response modifier which possesses unique characteristics. We investigated the effects of PSK on the immune response of aged C57BL/6 mice bearing a syngeneic transplantable tumor adenocarcinoma 755. (a) In C57BL/6 mice, the delayed foot pad reaction against sheep erythrocytes and resistance to syngeneic tumor challenge reached a peak when the mice were at 30 weeks of age, and decreased at 50-60 weeks of age. The serum of normal mice exerts a modifying effect on blastogenesis of lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin. The positive effect reached a peak at 30 weeks of age, and thereafter declined with age. (b) When adenocarcinoma 755 was inoculated to C57BL/6 mice at 10-, 30- and 60-weeks of age, immune responses were depressed in 10-week-old and 60-week-old mice. PSK prevented such depression. However, in 30-week-old mice, tumor-induced suppression was slight, and administration of PSK to them increased proportion of mice which did not develop a tumor. (c) In 60-week-old tumor-bearing mice, the antitumor effects was increased with a combination of PSK and adoptive transfer of spleen cells from 10-week-old normal mice. The immune responses of mice, which change with the progress of age, are depressed by tumor burden. The administration of PSK to aged mice is effective to restore immune responses from tumor-induced suppression.

Publication Types:

PMID: 3430562 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Effect of PSK on prohibited immunity of splenectomized mice.

Fujii T, Kano T, Saito K, Kobayashi Y, Iijima H, Matsumoto T, Yoshikumi C, Taguchi T.

Kureha Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Biomedical Research Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan.

The effect of PSK (Krestine, an anti-tumor drug prepared from Coriolus versicolor) on splenectomized experimental animals was investigated. Splenectomy was performed on both a tumor-free control group and a tumor-bearing group. The administration of PSK on the splenectomized control group significantly increased the immune state of the host. In the case of the tumor-bearing group, administration of PSK resulted in restoration of the immune function as observed in the control group. Recovery of the immunological function was accelerated when tumor-bearing animals were splenectomized at the terminal stage. The results suggest that the immunomodulating effects of PSK developed at the time of the splenectomy resulted in anticancer activity.

PMID: 3674771 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Effect of immunostimulants and antitumor agents on tumor necrosis factor (TNF) production.

Mori H, Mihara M, Teshima K, Uesugi U, Xu Q, Sakamoto O, Koda A.

Department of Pharmacology, Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Japan.

OK-432, a lyophilized preparation of Streptococcus pyogenes, showed a priming activity for TNF production in mice, associated with an increase of spleen weight. PSK, a protein-bound polysaccharide preparation from Coriolus versicolor, did not show such activity. Both OK-432 and PSK potentiated the TNF production in mice primed with Corynebacterium parvum (CP) and challenged with Escherichia coli endotoxin (LPS). Cytotoxic antitumor agents of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), cyclophosphamide (CY) and bleomycin (BLM) suppressed TNF production in mice primed with CP and challenged with LPS. TNF production suppressed by 5-FU, CY and BLM was partially restored by the combined treatment with OK-432 or PSK. These results suggest that the administration of cytotoxic antitumor agents suppresses the intrinsic TNF production in cancer patients, and the combined use of immunostimulants such as OK-432 and PSK is advantageous in restoring TNF production suppressed by cytotoxic antitumor agents.

PMID: 2448255 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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[Restoration of immunologic responsiveness by PSK in tumor-bearing animals]

[Article in Japanese]

Matsunaga K, Morita I, Oguchi Y, Fujii T, Yoshikumi C, Nomoto K.

PSK is a protein-bound polysaccharide prepared from cultured mycelium of the Basidiomycete Coriolus versicolor. Effects of PSK on the immunologic responsiveness in tumor-bearing animals were investigated using syngeneic or allogeneic tumors in mice (Lewis lung carcinoma, B16 melanoma, Meth A fibrosarcoma, adenocarcinoma 755, X5563 plasmacytoma, colon 26, MOPC 31C myeloma, sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich carcinoma), rats (BC47 bladder carcinoma, Walker 256 sarcoma and AH7974 hepatoma), hamsters (HA-1T tumor and RPMI 1846 melanoma), guinea pigs (line-10 hepatoma) and rabbit (VX2 and VX7 tumor). Oral or intraperitoneal administration of PSK restored the depressed delayed hypersensitivity against sheep erythrocytes to a normal level in these tumor-host systems. Also, oral administration of PSK lowered the activity of immunosuppressive substances in the serum of tumor-bearing animals. These results suggest that PSK exhibits antitumor effects by restoring the depressed immunologic responsiveness in tumor-bearing animals.

Publication Types:

PMID: 3789758 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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[Competitive effect of PSK against the immunosuppressive effect induced in the sera of mice bearing syngeneic tumors]

[Article in Japanese]

Matsunaga K, Morita I, Oguchi Y, Fujii T, Yoshikumi C, Nomoto K.

PSK is a protein-bound polysaccharide prepared from cultured mycelium of Coriolus versicolor. The appearance of an immunosuppressive effect in sera of tumor-bearing mice and its elimination by oral administration of PSK were investigated using an in vitro assay of blastoid transformation of normal spleen cells in response to PHA. (1) An inhibitory effect appeared in sera of X5563 plasmacytoma-bearing mice, while a facilitating effect was noted in sera of MH134 hepatoma- and MM 102 mammary tumor-bearing mice. (2) The presence of both an inhibitory and a facilitating factor was shown by Sephacryl gel fractionation. (3) Oral administration of PSK resulted in the elimination of the inhibitory effect from sera of X5563-bearing mice. The facilitating effect of sera from MH134-bearing mice was augmented by PSK administration, but that in sera from MM102-bearing mice was not influenced by such treatment. The summarized effects of these factors may be expressed as various types of effects in serum and PSK may be effective in the elimination of a suppressive factor from such sera.

Publication Types:

PMID: 3789757 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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[Restoration of depressed immune responses by PSK in C3H/He mice bearing the syngeneic X5563 tumor]

[Article in Japanese]

Matsunaga K, Morita I, Oguchi Y, Fujii T, Yoshikumi C, Nomoto K.

PSK is a protein-bound polysaccharide prepared from cultured mycelium of Coriolus versicolor. The effects of PSK on immunologic responsiveness were investigated in C3H/He mice bearing syngeneic X5563 tumor. The results were as follows. elayed foot pad reaction and antibody-forming capacity to sheep erythrocytes were depressed in tumor bearing mice, and such depression was prevented by oral or intraperitoneal administration of PSK. In vitro cytotoxic activity of splenic lymphocytes against the tumor was augmented by PSK administration. Antitumor effect was augmented by combination of PSK and X-irradiation. Delayed foot pad reaction to sheep erythrocytes was suppressed in normal C3H/He mice given immunosuppressive substance obtained from tumor-bearing mice, and the depressed reaction recovered to the normal level following PSK administration. These results show that PSK is effective in the syngeneic murine tumor system.

Publication Types:

PMID: 3789756 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Cloning of sequences induced and suppressed by administration of PSK, antitumor protein-bound polysaccharide.

Hirose K, Hakozaki M, Matsunaga K, Yoshikumi C, Hotta T, Yanagisawa M, Yamamoto M, Endo H.

To elucidate the effects of PSK, a protein-bound polysaccharide from Coriolus versicolor, on gene expression in tumor cells, we prepared cDNA clone libraries from PSK-treated and untreated cells of a rat ascites hepatoma line, AH66, which was previously shown to be susceptible to the antitumor action of this compound. Two PSK-induced and one suppressed cDNA clones were selected from these libraries by using a differential colony hybridization and RNA blot hybridization. PSK was thus shown to have a direct effect on the transcription and consequently on the translation of tumor cells.

PMID: 3977892 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Krestin (PSK).

Tsukagoshi S, Hashimoto Y, Fujii G, Kobayashi H, Nomoto K, Orita K.

A polysaccharide preparation isolated from Coriolus versicolor (Fr.) Quél. of Basidiomycetes (PSK) predominantly consists of glucan and approximately 25% tightly bound protein. PSK was effective against various allogeneic and syngeneic animal tumors and has been given orally to cancer patients. Various suppressed or enhanced immune responses of tumor-bearing animals were restored to normal levels by the administration of PSK in the tumor models tested. The killer T cell activity was augmented in tumor-bearing mice by intraperitoneal or oral administration of PSK, and there was correlation between the PSK associated antitumor effect and the killer T cell activity. It was found that PSK competed with immunosuppressive substances isolated from tumor-bearing mice and that the intestinal immune system appeared to be modulated by oral administration of PSK. After oral administration of 14C- or 35S-labeled PSK to normal rats, it was found that small or large molecular substances appeared in the serum depending on the time elapsed after administration, an indication that large molecular size products were from the digestive tract.

Publication Types:

PMID: 6238674 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Combination therapy of radiation and immunomodulators in the treatment of MM46 tumor transplanted in C3H/He mice.

Miyaji C, Ogawa Y, Imajo Y, Imanaka K, Kimura S.

Female C3H/He mice aged 10 weeks with transplanted MM46 tumor were used in an investigation of the timing of administration of immunomodulators, such as PSK (a protein-bound polysaccharide prepared from Coriolus versicolor), OK-432 (streptococcal preparation), bestatin (inhibitor of aminopeptidase B) combined with two fractionated local irradiation with the total dose of 3,000 rad. The daily dose of 250 mg/kg of PSK, 1.0 KE/mouse of OK-432, or 300 micrograms/mouse of bestatin were injected intraperitoneally for 4 consecutive days before or after irradiation. The antitumor effect was evaluated by the changes of tumor volume and survival curves. When PSK or OK-432 was administered after irradiation, tumor growth was decreased and 60-day survival rate and survival curve were significantly elongated compared with the control group and the group to which PSK or OK-432 were administered before irradiation (p less than 0.025, p less than 0.05, respectively). As for bestatin, no remarkable difference was observed irrespective of the timing of administration. These results suggested that some immunomodulators show different antitumor activity depending on the combined timing relative to radiotherapy.

PMID: 6828288 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Survival time of tumor-bearing rats as related to operative stress and immunopotentiators.

Hattori T, Hamai Y, Ikeda T, Takiyama W, Hirai T, Miyoshi Y.

To investigate the mechanism of tumor growth enhancement induced by operative stress in rats, laparo-thoracotomy was performed on day 2 after tumor cell inoculation associated with administrations of various kinds of immunopotentiators. OK-432 (Streptococcal preparation), PS-K (extract from mycelium of Coriolus Versicolor), Lentinan (extract from Lentinus Edodus) and C. parvum were administered intravenously or intraperitoneally in the fractionated form prior to or after inoculation. In general, administration of each immunopotentiator, except for Lentinan, resulted in a recovery from the reduction in survival days after laparo-thoracotomy. In particular, OK-432 administration prior to inoculation showed a significant improvement.

Publication Types:

PMID: 7109360 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Effects of coriolan, an antitumor polysaccharide, produced by Coriolus versicolor Iwade.

Ito H, Hidaka H, Sugiura M.

PMID: 541908 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Enhanced induction of immune resistance by concanavalin A-bound L1210 vaccine and an immunopotentiator prepared from Coriolus versicolor.

Kataoka T, Oh-hashi F, Tsukagoshi S, Sakurai Y.

Combined administration of a vaccine consisting of a small number (2 X 10(6)) of L1210 murine leukemic cells treated with glutaraldehyde and concanavalin A and a protein-bound polysaccharide preparation of Coriolus versicolor induced synergistic resistance to L1210 leukemia in BALB/c X DBA/2CrF1 mice. This effect was dependent on the dose and timing of the administration of the protein-bound polysaccharide preparation, being most effective at the time of or 1 day after the second vaccination. Induced resistance was not cross-reactive with P388 murine leukemia, indicating specificity of resistance. This immunopotentiation by the protein-bound polysaccharide did not occur when L1210 cells treated with glutaraldehyde, but not with concanavalin A, were used as a vaccine.

PMID: 922733 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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[Studies on antitumor activities of Basidiomycetes-antitumor activity of polysaccharides and sex factors]

[Article in Japanese]

Ito H, Naruse S, Sugiura M.

We have already reported antitumor activities of fungal and bacterial polysaccharides on mice. In the present experiment, the influence of the sex on antitumor effects on such material from Grifola umbellata, Coriolus versicolor Fries or Sargassum thumbergii and the immunity of mice against tumor were investigated. The growth velocities of Sarcoma 180, Ehrlich solid carcinoma, Pulmonary tumor 7423 and MF-sarcoma bearing mice both without treatment and those treated with polysaccharides were more rapid in males than in females. The regression rates in mice with the above tumors were higher in females than in males. However, a few DS Mie mice with Sarcoma 180 and A/Jax Mie mice with Ehrlich solid carcinoma regressed spontaneously. The growth velocity of Shionogi carcinoma 42 was not influenced by the sex. On other hand, both males and females which had experienced a regression of ascites tumor after the administration of polysaccharides rejected the re-implanted Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, Sarcoma 180, NF-sarcomma and Shionogi carcinoma 42. These results suggest that a strong ehancement of immune response occurs in the tumor implanted in the host animal by the administration of polysacchrides. The combination of X-ray irradiation Ehrlich ascites cells and polysacchrides strengthens the antitumor effect of NF-sarcoma and Shionogi carcinoma 42. Peritoneal exudate cells and lymphocytes were compared between the male and female mice after being treated with ATSO and P.GU-1. Such cells were present to a much greater extent in females.

Publication Types:

PMID: 986353 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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[Antineoplastic activities of Basidiomycetes; antineoplastic activities of polysaccharides produced by Coriolus versicolor Fries]

[Article in Japanese]

Fujii K, Ito H, Naruse S.

Publication Types:

PMID: 4477091 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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