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Scientific Researches On:

Coriolus Versicolor (Yunzhi Mushroom)

PDF files

In vitro chemopreventive effects pf plant polysaccharides

Enhanced Induction of Immune Resistance by Concanavalin Abound L1210 Vaccine and an Immunopotentiator Prepared
from Coholus versicolor

The immunomodulator PSK induces in vitro cytotoxic activity in
tumour cell lines via arrest of cell cycle and induction of apoptosis

PSK as a Chemopreventive Agent

A review of research on the protein-bound polysaccharide

Effects of polysaccharide peptide (PSP) from Coriolus versicolor on the pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide in the rat and cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells

Evaluation of Polysaccharopeptide Effects against C6 Glioma in Combination with Radiation

Examination of coumarins, flavonoids and polysaccharopeptide for antibacterial activity

Immunomodulatory and antitumor activities of a polysaccharide-peptide complex from a mycelial culture of Tricholoma sp., a local edible mushroom

Immunomodulatory effects of Yun Zhi and Danshen capsules in health subjects—a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study

Modulation of antipyrine clearance by polysaccharide peptide (PSP) isolated from Coriolus versicolor in the rat

Polysaccharide Petide complexes from the cultured  Mycelia of the Mushroom Coriolus Versicolor

Polysaccharide peptides from COV-1 strain of Coriolus versicolor inhibit tolbutamide 4-hydroxylation in the rat in vitro and in vivo

Polysaccharopeptides of Coriolus versicolor physiological activity, uses, and production

PSK protects macrophages from lipoperoxide accumulation and foam cell formation caused by oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein

The culture duration affects the immunomodulatory and anticancer effect of polysaccharopeptide derived from Coriolus versicolor

The Use of Coriolus-MRL Supplementation in Lung Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy

The Role of Mushroom Nutrition as A Delivery Agent for Enzyme Therapy in Cancer Care?-Chemical and Biological Properties in Mushroom Nutrition








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